Over the Bridge and Through the Woods....

Marriottsville is an unincorporated community shared by three Maryland counties: Baltimore, Carroll, and Howard. The main road traveled through the area is called Marriottsville Road, which winds up through Howard County, through the Patapsco State Forest, up into the Randallstown area of Baltimore County. There is no main street, no common church, nothing that designates Marriottsville as a town. But, it is a beautiful place to live. This blog explores the history of Marriottsville, from the days it was founded to the present.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Henry DeVries - Marriottsville Slaveholder

Found online:

Slaves heading north passed through here

Conference: Events highlight role Maryland and Baltimore played in the antebellum Underground Railroad.

March 09, 2000|By Carl Schoettler | Carl Schoettler,SUN STAFF
$100 REWARD -- Ran away from the subscriber on Saturday, 7th August [1858], a NEGRO WOMAN, called Emeline, aged about 31 years, dark color, 5 feet high. She took with her a female child aged 22 months. I will give the above reward if they are returned to me, or lodged in jail within the State so I can get them.
Henry Devries
Marriottsville, Carroll county, Md.

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